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Le roi de la pédale

Year of production 1925 Comedy . 180 min

Fortuné is a cycling fan. The honest young man works for a bicycle manufacturer where he has to cope with a mean foreman, a treacherous racer, and all-round scheming. However, Fortuné, a talented, honest and committed racer, wins the Tour de France and the heart of sweet Simone

 A film by  Maurice CHAMPREUX
With  Henri-Amédée CHARPENTIER, Emile VERVET, Jeanne MARIE-LAURENT, Blanche MONTEL, DEMANNE, la petite BOUBOULE, PIERARD, Jean MURAT, Georgette LHERY, Henriette CLAIRVAL-THÉROF, DELLY, Georges BISCOT Read more

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Le roi de la pédale

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