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A Journey Through French Cinema

( Voyage à travers le cinéma français )

Release date 2016 Documentary . 192 min

"Working as a citizen, a spy, an explorer and painter, a chronicler and adventurer (...) isn't that a fine definition of the job of a filmmaker? That one would like to apply to Renoir, Becker, the Vigo of L'Atalante, Grangier, Gréville or Sacha, who, in a scene or film , illumine an emotion, or uncover surprising truths. I would like this film to be an expression of gratitude to all those filmmakers, screenwriters, actors and musicians who have erupted into my life (...)" Bertrand Tavernier

A film by  Bertrand TAVERNIER
scriptwriter  Bertrand TAVERNIER

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Voyage à travers le cinéma français
Voyage à travers le cinéma français
Voyage à travers le cinéma français
Voyage à travers le cinéma français
Voyage à travers le cinéma français
Voyage à travers le cinéma français
Voyage à travers le cinéma français

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